Anyway, I'm procrastinating on untangling a massive skein of yarn, probably 10 ounce's worth. It's a 2/8 wool weaving yarn I got from Webs like, a year ago, and while I've tried to make a variety of things from it, I've just never been able to stick to it. A few months ago I gave it a hot water bath to try to fluff it up a bit, which did actually work, so we'll see how knittable it is...once I untangle everything.
BUT! I've been meaning to make a cardigan from this yarn ever since I got it. Cardigans are fantastic. You can put them on and take them off, which makes them great for a commitment-phobe like myself. They're also great for that awkward too-hot-outside-too-air-conditioned-inside moment in between spring and summer (e.g. right now. Does it really need to be sixty five degrees inside?) But what kind should I make? I should probably figure that out before I cast on!
I have a lot of deep-v cardigans, so I know I want something with a jewel neckline.
There's more after the jump!
Nothing too exciting with this style. This is more like a cardigan "block".
Interesting note: the sizing is in years. Can you imagine the controversy that would cause today!?
I love the detailing on the one on the right.
Now we're talking! Probably too lacy for my taste, but still super cute!
Okay, last one...
I can't quite figure out the lace pattern on this one, but it's quite lovely.
I realized halfway through that this was basically just me posting my two vintage knitting boards on Pinterest. Some of the patterns are hit or miss, but I do find them lovely to look at!
Many of these can be purchased at The Retro Knitting Company.
Do you knit? Have you ever used a vintage pattern? What do you like to knit?
I'll be sure to post pictures if I ever get this cardigan off the ground!
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